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Here’s how to get strong Instagram follower base for free.

Noone on social media would want to have fewer followers or have no one to interact and show their posts to. There is always a basic thing of being on a social media platform ie. more followers and more followings. If we talk about Instagram the followers must not be Instagram bots as they may result in less engagement and sometimes can ruin goodwill of your brand.

If you opt for buying real followers for Instagram then one of the main rules is to not buy in bulk, it looks very suspicious if one day you have 1,000 followers and the next day you have 10,000. Buying followers is actually easy, but it does hurt brands and their reputation, if followers see your account suspicious jump up it will likely cause them to find you or your brand dishonest and your real followers to unfollow.

Remember these if you wish to have increased followers-


You should post on Instagram with the purpose of posting strategy that aligns with your brand. Use relevant hashtags, geotags and call to action to get more engagement and grow your account.


You may add the swipe up and see more options to your Instagram stories that redirect the viewer to the website.


Make your posts and captions as attractive as possible, so that the viewer tends to visit the website and explore more.


Be frequent in posting as it will remind your followers of you and your engagement and contact with followers may create leads.


You can add the vital information to the highlights, which you want your audience to see first. Be creative with highlights in order to create interest among your Instagram followers to explore more.

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